Dental Implants Save Smiles

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Dental implants can restore a missing tooth and renovate your smile–and can last an entire lifetime! Dental implants were invented in the 1960s, and their durability and impressive quality have made them extremely popular. We are happy to talk to you about dental implants and how they can improve your smile.

If you have lost a tooth and do not replace it, your jaw can actually suffer bone loss over time. A dental implant is a great way to prevent such a thing. They fill out your smile and support your jaw structure.

Did you know that dental implants are biocompatible with the human body? The implant is installed directly into your jaw; over time its hold actually tightens. This process is called osseointegration. Your jaw actually integrates with the implant as if it were a natural tooth!

Raymond del Castillo, DDS wants to help you with your oral care and treatment. Our skilled staff is equipped to provide for your oral health care needs! If you have questions about dental implants or think they may be right for you, please call Raymond del Castillo, DDS in Coral Gables, Florida today at 305-443-4713 to set up an appointment. We look forward to helping you with a restored and healthy smile!